Exploring Collaborative Working Further

The Collaborative Capability Check-up gives you a valuable high-level indication of where your organization might stand with respect to collaborative capability best practice and key elements of the ISO 44001 Standard.

But by deliberately providing a quick high-level gauge, it is inevitably limited in the extent of its coverage and of its reporting analysis...

a starting point for your journey

not its destination.

Using the underlying online assessment framework and reporting tools that are only partly deployed in the Collaborative Capability Check-up, you can now explore further:

More extensive reports on the Collaborative Capability Check-up

Recommended for further clarifying the big picture.


A fuller assessment in the same style as the Collaborative Capability Check-up

Recommended for more precision and accuracy in identifying AFIs and establishing overall general readiness.

Full, comprehensive diagnostics

Recommended for organizations that want to truly spread, scale and embed collaborative working excellence, and benefit from what the leaders in the field are already doing.

More extensive reports on the Collaborative Capability Check-up

Recommended for further clarifying the big picture.

Analyse your response in more detail to give more information and guidance on potential Areas For Improvement (AFIs), and on where you might stand with respect to the clauses of ISO 44001, etc.

A fuller assessment in the same style as the Collaborative Capability Check-up

Recommended for more precision and accuracy in identifying AFIs and establishing overall general readiness.

Gauge where you stand in more breadth and depth, covering aspects of relationship performance as well as collaborative capability, and providing a fuller view of readiness for ISO 44001.

Full, comprehensive diagnostics

Recommended for organizations that want to truly spread, scale and embed collaborative working excellence, and benefit from what the leaders in the field are already doing.

Fully leverage the power of the assessment framework and reporting tools through any or all of the following:

  • Detailed scoring statements to show what good looks like, help calibrate scores more accurately, and identify highly specific improvement actions.
  • Targeting AFIs for specific and/or overall areas, optionally setting targets.
  • Assessing areas outside the scope and coverage of options 1 and 2 above.
  • Actively preparing for ISO 44001 certification, including the option to gather evidence.
  • Combining the input of multiple participants from your organization.
  • Integrating diagnostic output into online action management and learning management applications.

Contact NIP to register your interest

Whatever your priorities right now, NIP can help you and your organization to:

  • Engage people,
  • Motivate them and
  • Deliver change by
  • Enabling them to effectively and powerfully manage and measure what matters.


7 + 8 =

Powering NIP’s offerings is the cross-mapping of over 70 change and improvement methodologies, tools and programmes – principally focused on collaborative business relationships – from which we have identified a set of generic value drivers.

NIP have also been involved in the evolution and support of the ISO 44001 Collaborative Business Relationship Management standard since its inception as a Publicly Available Specification (PAS) in 2006. NIP deliver cloud-based transformational measurement diagnostics, sustainable value management solutions, and – where appropriate – AI tools, all with an emphasis on supporting complex, cross-boundary relationships.

NIP’s clients include governmental bodies, and blue chip companies in the aerospace, pharmaceutical and defense sectors.