How to submit a response

Steps to access, navigate, assess and submit a response:


Follow invitation email link

Click on the link (unique to you) in your invitation (or reminder) email



1st time users - create a new password (enter twice to confirm)

Existing users - enter email address and password (click 'Forgotten Password' if you can't remember your password)


Read the guidance

The first tab visible provides context and instruction on how to conduct your assessment.

Please read the guidance carefully.


Navigate tabs

Click the tab headings (or the 'Next' & 'Previous' buttons) to navigate the content

Select a score

Click / drag the score slider to view and select a score statement

Write a comment

Use the comments box to capture more detail (see the guidance tab for specific instructions on how to make use of the comments box)

Save and Submit

You can save your response and return to edit it at any time prior to the deadline (your response will be periodically auto-saved).

A dialogue will let you know if you've missed any mandatory information.

To submit your final response, click 'Save' and then 'Submit'.

You will not be able to edit your response once it has been submitted.

Once you've submitted your final response, you can view, print and share it as a PDF

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